Should I Wear Makeup for My Headshot?

Should I Wear Makeup for My Headshot?

You want to look your best in your acting headshots. But you also need your headshots to look like YOU; the person casting is going to see walk through the door, or show up on the self-tape. Sounds fair, right? So, should you wear makeup in your headshots? Let’s explore your options! 

In the infamous words of that Amy Schumer song, “Girl You Don't Need Makeup,” let’s think of a clown and then work our way back:

Glamorous Makeup Headshot

A glamorous headshot is all about making you look your very best. Possibly even a bit sensual or sexy. The look is characterized by special occasion makeup, hair, and clothing. This is not how you show up to your corporate gig. The lighting for a glamour shot may also be more dramatic, and the color might be black and white. 

Glamour shot makeup can include:

  • Smoky eyes
  • Cat eyes
  • Dramatic lipstick
  • Contouring
  • Glitter
  • Rhinestones
  • Fake eyelashes
  • Creative or extreme color palettes

Your agent is not submitting you for a Taco Bell commercial with your glamour shot, but it’s not a bad idea to have a few glamorous or alluring photos in your portfolio. You may not have noticed, but being attractive doesn’t hurt an acting career! Just don’t get this kind of glamour shot, please.

Have a look at our Women's Glamorous Headshots and Men's Glamorous Headshots on Pinterest to see some great glam headshot examples.

Natural Makeup Headshot

A typical acting headshot is done with natural makeup. Natural makeup would look like, say, a normal human face, just enhanced. There’s a wide scope of what could be included or excluded from the look of a natural makeup headshot.

Natural makeup avoids:

  • Dark eye makeup
  • Intense lipstick
  • Contouring
  • Heavy foundation
  • Unnatural colors

Natural makeup can include:

  • Foundation
  • Powder
  • Mascara
  • Eyeliner
  • Eyeshadow
  • Lipstick or lip gloss
  • Eyebrow pencil, powder, or pen
  • Blush
  • Natural color palettes

Natural makeup is not necessarily “less” makeup than glam makeup; it’s more about the colors. A natural makeup look can still include eyeshadow or lip color, but it needs to be close to your natural skin tone. If you’re blond or red-headed, you might opt for brown mascara over black. 

Check out our Pinterest for Women’s Headshot Examples and Men’s Headshot Examples to get some inspo for natural makeup acting headshots.

Men’s Headshot Makeup

Do men wear makeup in headshots? Why, yes they do! Men’s makeup for a headshot can include the same elements you’d wear if you were performing on stage or filming. 

Men’s Headshot Makeup might Include

  • Foundation
  • Concealer
  • Powder
  • Eyebrow powder to fill in brows and facial hair
  • Eyeliner
  • Lip balm

Men’s makeup in headshots is often very simple. But we promise: men are definitely wearing makeup on camera and on stage. Don’t feel like you’re not allowed to do the same for your acting headshot. 

No Makeup Headshot

Believe it or not, no makeup headshots are a thing, and they are gaining in popularity. It makes sense considering the #NoMakeup trend of recent years. The Instagram hashtag currently has over 20 million entries! 

Ok, but seriously though, no makeup? None? Really?!? Lean in closely, dear Headshot Closet readers, and we’ll tell you a secret:


As much as celebrities and Instagram models fudge the definition of “no makeup,” you too, are free to add or subtract whatever makeup you like for your acting headshots. For example, Paper Magazine boasted in 2018 that they had photographed Christina Aguilera “without a trace of eye makeup,” but the shots clearly feature eyelash extensions and filled-in brows. No doubt there were also other products used for this photo shoot, in addition to cosmetic surgeries and photo retouching. 

Not to single out Xtina; we love her and she looks aaaamazing. But we don’t want you to lose sleep over the whole “no makeup” thing. Remember, Hollywood is a lot of smoke and mirrors.

So how would you do a no-makeup headshot? You’re free to literally wear no makeup! But you can also take a cue from men’s makeup. Men’s makeup is a “no makeup” look when you think about it! 

“No Makeup” Makeup may Include:

  • Foundation
  • Concealer
  • Powder
  • Blush
  • Eyeliner
  • Lip balm

The key is obviously to look incredibly subtle and natural. But “no makeup” is whatever you want it to be, and whatever you can pull off. This is how makeup has been done in movies for years where the characters aren’t supposed to be wearing makeup. We guarantee you everyone appearing in Film and TV productions at least has some shine-controlling powder on, and usually some under-eye concealer as well.

How Should I Do My Makeup for a Headshot?

Alright, so how should you do your makeup in your headshot? If you have the funds, by all means, take a variety of professional photos to market your acting career. But if you’re an actor just starting out, or if you need the headshots that are going to give you the most mileage, then get natural makeup headshots. 

Should I Hire a Makeup Artist for My Headshots?

Deciding to hire a professional makeup artist for your headshots comes down to two factors: what’s your budget, and how good are you at makeup yourself? 

If you are confident with your makeup skills, there’s not necessarily any reason to spend the money. Especially since you’ll easily be able to recreate the same makeup look when you self-tape or show up to auditions. This is a great scenario to go with DIY Headshot Makeup. Make sure you have a great travel mirror with you for on-set touchups.

But if you have limited experience applying makeup, even if your budget is a bit tight, you should consider hiring a professional makeup artist for your headshots. We’ve all seen makeup gone horribly, horribly wrong. You’re wasting a lot more money if you pay for a photo shoot, and show up with a dastardly makeup job. 

Keep in mind that not all makeup artists are created equal. Make sure you check out their portfolio first, and see if you can book a practice run before your headshots.

And That’s the Lowdown on Headshot Makeup!

Again, don’t overthink this. Remember, you will retouch your headshots before you print and distribute them. Now get out there and give ‘em your good side, kid!

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Hats off to Headshot Closet for the invaluable advice in ‘Should I Wear Makeup for My Headshot.’ Your blog provides clarity on a common question, offering practical insights for those aiming for a picture-perfect professional image. A helpful read for anyone seeking headshot perfection.


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